Yes we are. We are a charity founded by Christians with a faith-based worldview. We see the compassion that Jesus showed and believe that is the best way to approach tough situations in life, such as unplanned pregnancy. However, whether you’re a guest or volunteer, you do not have to share our “why”. We welcome people from all backgrounds as guests and volunteers.
No. Our beliefs are our central motivation for what we do, but our goal is not for you to believe what we believe. Our priority is for women and families experiencing unplanned pregnancy to have the needed support and community around them.
No. We are non-directive, meaning we don’t tell you what to do. In times of chaos and confusion, it can be tough to sort out what’s happening. Our role is to give you space to process and see your options clearly.
We do not refer to abortions. While we do not affiliate politically, our primary demographic of focus are women who would like to or are contemplating continuing in their pregnancy. If abortion is a path you wish to choose, we are still here to offer a listening ear and personal support after your procedure.
No. We do not affiliate or align ourselves with any political party or movement.
Our volunteer training varies depending on the role. Any volunteer in direct contact (digitally or in-person) goes through approximately five months of training. Training includes developing listening skills, learning how to communicate non-directively, and learning how to safely handle your personal data. There are many more topics covered during our training time. We also require all of our volunteers offering personal support to be Garda vetted (as required of us by the National Garda Vetting Bureau), be interviewed, and submit references. We are focused on equipping them to support women effectively and safely according to Zoe’s standards and procedures.
Yes, we refer to practising, accredited counsellors. Some counsellors that are trained but seeking accreditation can offer lower-cost services to clients as they build the hours necessary for accreditation. If we have a guest who needs a lower-cost option for counselling and we do not have the financial resources to help, we may offer them that option (stating clearly the fact that the counsellor is seeking accreditation).
Many of them are, however this is not a requirement we have when referring guests to counsellors. Our primary goal is to find counsellors who are skilled, affordable, and located near our guests who need them.
As a guest, you are never under any obligation to Zoe Community. You may come and go as you please. If you choose not to continue, we will respect your decision. You are always welcome to come back if you change your mind at a later date.
You have several options regarding your information. You can request all of your information/communication to be collected and delivered to you. You can also request all your information be removed from our system. If you’d like to choose either or both of those options, please send us an email request at hello@zoecommunity.ie
We have great compassion for women who choose abortion. That is not a decision made lightly, and we would like to help in whatever you may need post-procedure.
No. We do not align with any political party or movement. We like to say that we’re practical, not political. Our purpose is not to lobby for legislation, but to support women and families who are in need of community.
We receive funding from individuals and non-political entities (businesses, churches, etc).