Join and Host the Supper Club!
What is the Supper Club?
The Supper Club is a special group of people committed to supporting Zoe at €25/month or more and willing to participate in Supper Club events. When you join, you are the backbone of Zoe Community, allowing us to offer our services to women across Ireland in need of support.
If you’re interested in joining the Supper Club, click the button below and start today!
What does hosting entail?
Just get some friends, family, or neighbors together over your favourite meal and you’re on your way! Have a great time together taking 10 minutes to share the vision of Zoe Community and the opportunity to join the supper club. Have no fear. We help you every step of the way!
If you’re interested in hosting a Supper Club event, click the button below and fill out our short interest from. From there we will send you all the resources you need!
“Anyone who is having a crisis or unplanned pregnancy would benefit from contacting Zoe Community . When I was in my late twenties I became pregnant, instead of a listening ear, I was directed to an abortion clinic in the UK. They offered me one solution. I wish I had a Zoe Community! As a volunteer I get to sit, listen and create a safe space for women like me to process and make an informed decision that is right for them.”