Volunteer with us
Why Volunteer?
We all are passionate about Zoe Community for different reasons. Whether it’s faith, past experience, or passionate empathy, you can make a difference. Our “why” doesn’t have to be your “why”. We want to build a community free from shame and invite you in. There’s a place for you here if you want it.
What does it entail?
You don’t have to be a professional to volunteer with Zoe. We believe anyone can learn how to listen. You might be a people person, you might be task-oriented, or you might want to focus on hospitality. We have a place for you! Training and expectations will vary depending on which area interests you.
“Anyone who is having a crisis or unplanned pregnancy would benefit from contacting Zoe Community . When I was in my late twenties I became pregnant, instead of a listening ear, I was directed to an abortion clinic in the UK. They offered me one solution. I wish I had a Zoe Community! As a volunteer I get to sit, listen and create a safe space for women like me to process and make an informed decision that is right for them.”